PRO Webinar

Metal vs Nylon 12 Carbon Fiber vs ABS 3D Printed on MakerBot METHOD

Speaker, Felipe Castaneda

Creative Director

Felipe Castaneda

Ultrafuse 316L is a gamechanger – allowing MakerBot METHOD users to create unique parts in solid (96%+ density) 316L stainless steel. One common question that comes up frequently is – how do the parts (and the process) compare to the composites and polymers that are available?

Primary Topics Covered:

In this episode of the PRO Webcast Series, we will go through the steps to printing metal vs composites vs polymers, compare those steps to other processes for obtaining steel parts, and we’ll compare the resulting printed parts in all three material groups.

Featured Topics

  • – The Process | Ultrafuse 316L vs. Other Metal Processes vs. MakerBot Composites / Polymers
  • – The Parts | Dimensional Accuracy and other performance characteristics
  • – Q&A