PRO Webinar

Top 5 Applications for Machine Shops

Michael Mignatti
Ryan Singler

VP of Engineering
Dave Veisz

PRO Segment Marketing Manager
Shawn Miely

Manager Sales Enablement
Ryan Singler

CNCs, waterjets, and lasers have been the backbone of machine shop technology for decades. But in the last few years, 3D printers have been gaining floor space in more and more shops around the world. We’ll be talking about why today’s shops should be giving a serious look at in-house 3D printers for both operational and customer applications.

Learn about 5 machine shop applications for in-house 3D printing that can have an immediate impact on your shop’s output and bottom line.

Primary Topics Covered:

Intro to 3D Printing – What is FDM?
Machining vs. 3D printing
Top 5 3D Printing Applications for Machine Shops
What to Look for when Selecting a 3D Printer